Saturday, May 23, 2015

Letter #33- "I know that Joseph Smith was the true Prophet"

Hello Everyone!

Oh my goodness! Okay, first we got transfer called this week! Sister Ikimau is leaving! I'm sad to see her go, but so excited for where she's going! Sister Ikimau is going to SHELLEY! I was born there! And we both think she's going to "die" there. Sister Ikimau have four months left on her Mission. My new companion is Sister Vere (pronounce as Veh-dae). She will be "dying" with President and Sister Brinkerhoff. (She has six weeks left). We're both excited for this transfer!

This week has been good. Remember those people who ran away from Sister Ikimau and I on the hill? You're going to laugh about this, but we just had dinner with them this week! We went up to their home at dinner time. Sister Peck, the Mom, invited us in. We sat down while we wait a few minutes for her husband to come home. She talked with us of how sad she is for her son being on his Mission in Chile Santiago. But then she smiled, "We talked with him on Mother's Day. He is doing great! I just wish he could come home!" Later, her daughter came in and sat down. She talked with us for a few minutes. They're both non-members, the daughter asked us questions. It was a good dinner, they told us, "We're not interested. But we love how you Missionaries never give up on us!"

We went out with a member, Sister Brown. We were going to the family who moved from New Mexico. As we walked up to their door, the Mom opened the door. When she saw us walking up, we squealed and slammed the door. Awkwardly standing there, we weren't sure what to do. We went up the door and knocked anyway. We did a couple of knocks, then I saw someone peeking through the window. It was dark in the room, I could see two eyes staring at me. I waved at the little girl who was looking through the opened blinds. She slowly moved back. It was strange, I could remember seeing the two eyes!

Anyway, Saturday we had a meeting. After the meeting we saw one of our Ward Mission Leader and his family setting decorations up for Jensen Parrish's wedding. We offered to help for an hour. It was so beautiful! It was gorgeous! Later, after that, we had a lesson with a less-active family. They've been coming back to Church and recently Sister Hill asked if we could teach their family some lessons! It was wonderful! We got to know them and we invited them to pray, read, and to come to Church.

I am running out of times! But I have loved this week!
I want to share my testimony, that I know my Savior lives. I am grateful for the good news the gospel brings! I love this Gospel, I love being a Missionary! I am grateful that I could take a year and a half to proclaim and share about the Savior, Jesus Christ. The truth and fullness of the Gospel. I know that Joseph Smith was the true Prophet of God. I know that the Book of Mormon is to be true!

I love you all!
Sister Hatch.

Got to hold the member's BOA (small, can grow to 5 feet)
 IDAHO POCATELLO NORTH ZONE! President and Sister Brinkerhoff last transfer!

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