Monday, September 29, 2014

Letter #3- Everyday Everyone Has The Opportunity to Share The Gospel!

September 22, 2014

Dear Everyone,
Real quick, Idaho's tradition is awesome! Spud Day is a day when the celebrate Potatoes and that the harvest is over. After Study time, Sister Warren and I packed our bags with Books of Mormon and pamplets. As instructed from our District Leader, we were to go and talk and teach people at the Ball Park (Where they held Spud Day at). Sister Warren and I went and talked to people. Honestly, I was having a hard time talking with people.
Sister Warren told me that it was my turn to find people. As we walked through the festival, we walked through a crowd of people. I went up to an older lady, shook her hand, and asked what her name was. She just shook my hand, smiled, and walked off. "Okay," I thought, "How am I going to find people?" Sister Warren and I kept walking in the Ball Park. I scanned my eyes for anyone who was sitting by themselves. We grabbed lunch and went to sit at a table. We tried to talk to people, but they were busy and left.
Sister Warren and I got in the Free Baked Potato line. We started to talk to the guy who was behind us. Then the guy in front of us started to talk to us. The man behind us became silent and walked out of line. So we talked with Paul, the many in front of us. We got to know him. His wife is active, he doesn't like the Church. He said that the Church was too difficult for him. Sister Warren gave me the look as if I had the opportunity to testify. I didn't know what to say. It was silent for a while, and I was about to say something, but Paul started to talk some more. Yes, I had my opportunity, but I didn't use it. I was too scared. I have received revelation this week, in Doctrine and Covenants 2-3, but mostly in verse 13. Have faith and confident to speak with the Spirit.
Later that afternoon, they were having something they call "Spud Tug". Where they dig a hole in the ground, and a cement mixer is filled with mashed potatoes. They pour the mash potatoes in the pit. Then they were going to have a tug-o-war over the pit of mash potato. Our Elders signed up. We were going to watch them. Right then we saw our Mission President and his wife! They were so glad to see us, and they watched "The Stripling Warriors" (our Elders) with us. Sadly, they lost! But it was fun! I got sunburn on my arm, face, and feet, and blisters on my feet.
So, Sister Warren and I have been visiting Investigators. I love them so much! Sister Warren and I went to meet one less active name, Henry Dannehls. He was committed before to go to Church. I talked to him about hunting. He loves hunting just like I do! Henry struggle with prayer. So, I left him a sticky note on his TV that said, "Don't forget to PRAY! Pray to our Heavenly Father as much as you love to talk about hunting!" Sister Warren told me that he never really have talked to them before or loved going to Church. But one day, he saw us when he was driving his four-wheeler, pulled up and talked to us. Then he came to Church that next day! He's a funny man! I am so grateful to here in Idaho! The Lord knew the people who I will be in contact with. I just got to open my mouth some more!
Everybody can be a Missionary! Just testify what's in your heart and be interested in others!
Love ya'll,
Sister Hatch.

Left to right: Sister Manymules (Sister Warren's previous trainee), Sister Warren (my companion), Sister Hatch, and some random Elder.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Letter #2- A Whole New World in the Farmland!

September 15, 2014
Dear Everyone!

I am on fire! I am in Idaho! My companion is Sister Warren. She is a sweetheart and so helpful! I LOVE her!
Some of you Idahoans may know what Spud Day is. It is this weekend in the little town of Shelley. Shelley is my first area! A small town, but lots of people to teach!

The first day, after I dropped my luggage in the member's home, my companion and I went to knock on doors! Um. . .I am going to keep this real short this I am running out of time! So, I apologize!

The first house Sister Warren and I knocked on, the lady opened it. She said she wasn't interested, but we talked with her for a bit, then we went on our way. The second house we went to, a young woman (about 17 years old) opened the door. Her name is Lupita. We gave a brief summary of the Restoration, then my companion nudged me. That was a sign for me to say something that she and I talked about. I invited Lupita to be baptized. She said, "Yes."
We walked all the way down the street. We went over to a small house, knocked on the door, and a woman with an apron opened it. Her apron had her name on it, "Kim". We talked to her for a bit. But she straight up raised her voice, "I don't have time!" Sister Warren geniously asked, "Is there a time we can come back and share this message?" She said Saturday, so we made an appointment with her. Later that night, we went to the Ortiz's home. Juan (pronounce with a K) and Joann were an investigator Sister Warren met before. We talked with them about the Temple. Then one of our member who was with us, Brother Polsen, talked to him about the Restoration. Since Juan was asking all sorts of questions, Sister Warren was able to testify of Jesus Christ. Then she said, "And my companion would like to share something with you." I started, "I know that my Redeemer, Jesus Christ lives. . ." there was a pausing moment. I felt the Holy Ghost strongly and I looked at Juan, "Will you follow the example of Jesus Christ and be baptized?" The Spirit filled the room. He said, "Wow. The way you said that and the way you are glowing, it really have touched my heart." I smiled and waited patiently as he continued, "I don't know yet. I don't if I want to join this Church yet." We talked to him for a bit and left with him a commitment to pray to know if these things we were teaching him were true.

On Saturday, Sister Warren and I went to see Kim. We knocked on her door and she opened it wide. Immediately she said, "Hi. Um. . .I don't know about you, but I believe in Jesus Chirst. I am looking for a Christian Church and I don't know whatever you, LDS do or believe. But. . ." I then said, "Well, we believe in the same Jesus Christ. And we would like to just share a quick scripture and a message." Right away, the Spirit was there. I could tell she had a change of heart. She asked us to come back later this week. Then we left with a scripture and went on our way. My companion turned to me and said, "I am so grateful you jumped in. I was thinking of just leaving right when she opened the door." I love Sister Warren. She was actually the one who helped me know what I could say, but most importantly, to remember to keep the Spirit with me.

I was having this moment where my scriptures were in my right hand. It was facing down where you could see the words on the spine of the scriptures. I looked down at it and I could also see my badge. I had this moment when it was complete silent. After turning away from not having the oppurtunity to teach somebody, after being told, "No" or "Not interested" I was able to look at my scriptures and the badge where Missionaries bear JESUS CHRIST name on, that I did my best. The Lord is blessing me and my Heavenly Father is blessing me. I can do all things through Christ and that I am a part of His army to help others come unto Christ.

I love this Gospel and my savior, Jesus Christ. Running out of time. Write to me! I have time to do that!
135 South 7th Ave.
Pocatello, ID 83201.

Love you guys! Read your scriptures, say your prayers!
Sister Hatch.

Monday, September 8, 2014

An MTC Photo

Picture of Sister Ramsay Hatch with Elder Moss from her ward and another elder. 

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Letter #1- "Your Purpose"

August 29, 2014

Dear Everyone,

Hey! I am loving it here at the MTC! Great Spirit to feel and AMAZING experiences!

This week's Subject is "Your Purpose"

Your Purpose is to invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel through Faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, Repentance, Baptism, Receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and Enduring to the end.
This is not just Missionary's purpose, but ALL of our purpose! We all have the chance to invite others to come unto Christ. We can share the Gospel and get the Ward and Stake Members involved!

First day was a little uneased. I didn't know what to expect and it went by so quick! I have four other Sisters in the same dorm with me. Sister Sondrup, Sister Moreland, Sister Smith, and Sister Brimley. I love these Sisters! We all help each other and love each other. They have sweet Spirits and beautiful testimony.

We had to practice teaching investigators. At one investigator, she have lost her baby. A lot of Missionaries jumped up and testified that there is a loving Father in Heaven who is keeping her baby safe. . .and we have testified that there was a loving Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ atoned for our sorrows. She denied and said that we were wrong! She said that there was no such thing as God or Jesus Christ. I started to cry as I felt sorry for her lost and confusion. Many, MANY Elders and Sisters have tried to testify and explain the Plan of Salvation and that there is a God. But she denied and stopped talking to us. It was so upsetting! I cried for a long time!

Second day was awesome! My companions (Sister Sondrup and Sister Smith) and I went to play frisbee. It was humid outside! We came back, cleaned up, then went to our District's Classroom. We had to have an hour of Personal Study. Our door was wide open and people were being obnoxiously loud. Then Elder Hunter stood up and went to shut the door. WOW! The Spirit was there! It was quiet and I could feel great peace! I was able to know what the Scriptures were saying. At lunch, I saw Elder Moss! He seems really great! OH! The FOOD! The food are WAY better than I thought! But I still miss my Mom and Alisyn's cooking!

Read 2 Nephi, Chapter 27. Specifically verse 6-21. It talks about the Book of Mormon and the witnesses. This might be helpful for those Seminary Students, who are learning in the Doctrine and Covenants.

Later Thursday night, we had a Branch meeting. President Mangum is a funny, but could be serious. He said something that scared me to death! "After spending two weeks here in the MTC, you'll be going back into the real world." What! I have felt the Spirit so great here and I can't imagine being sent back out there after blocking it all off from me. But I will go and do what the Lord hath commanded me (and all of the Missionaries). There will be dirty and sad things, but that is OUR PURPOSE! We need to help others by inviting -- INVITING them unto Christ.

Well, I am running out of time! I will be sure to write to you guys next week!

Love and miss ya'll!!!
Read your scriptures, study the Preach My Gospel, and say your prayers!!

Sister Hatch.

Sister Hatch's Farewell Letter

August 25, 2014

A HUGE thank you to all who came to my farewell! I appreciate it and couldn't ask for any better love than a few "Good lucks," hugs and just seeing you there!

Remember I am not doing this for myself. I am doing this because I love the Lord! I know that as a disciple of Christ, we must bring the world His truth!

Our Heavenly Father loves us! He wants us to become the best we can! We're not all perfect, but i know that through Jesus Christ's Atonement we can become perfected. I am grateful for the Atonement in my life- not only because I can overcome sorrows, but because of the joy and happiness we can have through it!

I know that Christ loves us ad our Father in Heaven loves us too. They have an unconditional and infinte love to each one of us who have, are, and will be living in this earthly life.

I am grateful to be a part of His gospel. I am grateful for the knowledge of it! It's AMAZING!
I love this gospel! I know it to be true through the power of prayer, scripture study, and just living it! Love ya'll!


Sister Ramsay Hatch