Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Letter #22-Transfers Week - Farewell Shelley!

February 23, 2015
Hello Everyone!

I am getting transferred! I am so nervous, but excited all at the same time! Kind of having hard times falling asleep! It was kind of funny when they called. We were doing our weekly planning, we were reading out of the Preach My Gospel. It was 12:15 in the afternoon, it was my turn to read step six. I started reading half way through, then I slowed down and looked over at the phone with one eye open. Then, there, the phone rang! Sister Richins and I gasped and looked at each other, Sister Richins screamed! I answered the phone, the voice was shaky, "This is Sister Hatch!" The Assistant, "Hello Sister Hatch! How are you?" "We're good, how are you?" I replied. "I'm good! Hey, could you put me on speaker?" I nod, "Absolutely!" He told me that I was going to Eagle Rock in Idaho Falls, and that my new companion was going to be Sister Hallet. Sister Richins is staying in the area, her new companion is Sister Rawlins. We told him "Thank you and have a nice day", then hung up. Sister Richins and I let out a sigh of relief! It was hard to focus for the rest of the day though! Sister Richins knew Sister Hallet, she kept telling me, "You're going to LOVE Sister Hallet! She is so funny, but when it comes to the work she's serious!"
The next day, Friday at 7 p.m., the Assistants called again. Sister Richins answered the phone, "This is Sister Richins!" I could hear the Assistants speaking through the phone, "Hello Sister Richins, is Sister Hatch there?" "Yes!" "Could you put me on speaker?" We put him on speaker and said, "Sister Hatch, we have a change for you. You are not going to Eagle Rock anymore." My heart pounds, my eyes started to water up, "Okay?" He continues, "You're going to Ammon Zone area. Your companion is Sister Smith." "Oh, okay. Thank you!" We hung up and it was really strange. Sister Richins told me about Sister Smith, which made me even more nervous! But I know it's the Lord's way! I know that as I show my love for my companion and keep my eyes on the work, everything will be okay!

Okay, I'm runnning out of times! But I wanted to share that I am so grateful for my companion, Sister Richins! She has helped me so much with my Mission! Made me feel more confident and I feel like I can, not only endure to the end of my Mission, but to the end of my life and time on Earth! It was because of Sister Richins! I love her so much! She's my inspiration! I know she and Sister Rawlins are going to do great things in Shelley!

I bid Shelley farewell. I love the people here! And I'm sure I am going to love some people in Ammon! I know it's where the Lord wants me! I think I'll miss Brother Henery Dannehl the most.

I love you all! Keep up the great Missionary work! Go to the Temple, love your family, walk the paths Jesus would walk!

Sister Hatch

good bye Shelley :(

pictures - Sister Richins is holding a cat :)

Monday, February 23, 2015

Letter #21- Joy!

February 16th, 2015

Want to hear something a little strange, but CRAZY!?
Justin was our Baptism date for February. It dropped! We had an appointment with him last week. We got inside, then he said, "I'm already baptized." Sister Richins and I eyes were widen, and we said, "What?" He told us that he called his step Mom earlier that day and she said, "You can't be baptized twice!" Sister Richins called Brother Killians, who was incharged of Membership Records, right there and then. We gave him Justin's full name and date of birth. Brother Killians said he was going to look it up and call us back. Five minutes later, he called, "Yep! Justin was baptized in January of last year!" We told him, "Thank you!" Hung up and Sister Richins then looked at Justin, "Well, congratulation on being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. . .do you know what this mean?" Justin hestitated, "What. . ." Sister Richins continued, "You have to meet with Bishop! Because of the things you've done. . ." Anyway, we're now teaching him about the Atonement and Repentance process.

Yesterday, Brother Dannehl was ordained as a Priest!!! I am so HAPPY for him! He has the Aaronic Priesthood now!!! We are still working with him, to get him to recieve the Melchezidek Prieshood and prepare to enter the Temple with his wife!!! It brings tears to my eyes and I am filled with exceedingly JOY for Brother Dannehl!!! I love that man!!!

This has to be short since I am running out of times!!! Love you all!!! Keep up the Missionary work!!!

Sister Hatch.

Letter #20- Reasons I Am Grateful To Be On My Mission

February 9th, 2015
Hello Everybody!

I love being a Missionary! It's the best! This week we have seen miracles!

Sister Richins and I had to drop a few of our Investigators. We're giving them a break as for now. It's kind of complicated because we've been trying to find people to teach. But we know that as we continue to do the Lord's work, He will provide a way! And so He did! Here's one of the miracle:

Sister Richins and I were told to go to a family home a couple months ago, but when we go we need to bring a Priesthood holder. It was the Ceja family. We haven't gone to see them since Pearla, the girl Sister Warren and I were teaching for a while, and her sister been in Mexico for a month. But Sister Richins and I felt very good that we should try to find a Priesthood holder to go with us that next week. Well, it ended up that on the day we were planning out for our next week, someone called us. Sister Richins answered, and a young woman started out saying, "I have a story to tell you. . ." We listened to the young woman. She told us that she has a friend who have been going to Church and Mutual when she was fourteen years old. But her Mom was very strong Catholic and didn't allow her to participate in the LDS religion, until she was eighteen. Since she hit eighteen years, this friend has been going to Church, Seminary, and Mutual. The young woman explained that her and her friends been thinking, "What more can we do to help this girl who was going to all of these Church Activities?" The young woman, name is Brooke, said, "Then we thought she could take the Missionary lesson." Sister Richins respond, "Okay! What is your friend name?" Brooke replied, "Dianna Ceja." Oh my! What! This is awesome! We asked more questions, and she said she was going to see when Dianna wants to meet with us! It was a miracle! At the end, we hung up, Sister Richins and I looked at each other with a big smile, and we screamed! I am grateful for miracles!

Brother Dannehl! We call him every night to make sure he hasn't or doesn't drink coffee, except one night we forgot to call him. I knew that Brother Dannehl wouldn't go drink it. I prayed to Heavenly Father that Brother Dannehl will be strong and that he won't drink coffee. When we drove by his house, his truck was not there, but I knew - I have faith in Brother Dannehl that he won't drink coffee. Later that night we called Brother Dannehl. "Hello?" He picks up the phone. "Hi Brother Dannehl! How are you?" "Oh, pretty good." "Good! Did you drink coffee two days ago?" "No." "Did you drink coffee this morning?" He laughs, "Nope." Sister Richins and I felt relief, "Good! We're proud of you! Are you going to drink coffee tomorrow?" "No" He laughs. He hasn't drink coffee for a month now! He's doing so great!

Another miracle! We saw a lady by the name Fae in our Area Book. Sister Warren and I have stopped by once before. It been a couple months, so Sister Richins and I brought Sister Huntsman, one of the Ward Missionary with us to go see Fae. When we got to her house, Sister Huntsman said, "OH! I know her! I make bread and bring them to her every week!" When we got to Fae's door, Sister Huntsman exclaimed, "Oh!" As she looked at the flowers by the window, "I must ask her how she take care of those flowers! I have flowers just like those!" When Fae answered the door, we asked how she was doing, then Sister Huntsman jumped in, "I've wondered about those flowers by your windows! How do you take care of them?" Fae said, "Come on inside!" We all came in and she gave Sister Huntsman instruction on how to take care of them. Sister Huntsman eventually invited Fae to Church. Fae said, "We'll see how I feel about next week. But one of these days I would like to go to your Church!" We asked Fae if we could say a prayer with her, she said, "Certainly." We prayed, when we closed we all looked up, but Fae then said, "And thank you for sending these ladies to me. Bless them and watch over them." She told us she really appreciate us stopping by and that someday she would like to go to our Church. A couple days later, Sister Huntsman called, "I invited Fae to Sacrament for next week since we were having Stake Conference this week. But Fae told me she would like to go to the Conference." And Fae did come to Conference! At the end, she told SIster Huntsman, "Everything that they said in Conference has shown me that what people say about Mormons is wrong. I really loved it." Sister Huntsman and Fae are like "two peas in a pot!" They're so sweet. Sister Huntsman said that Fae have questions about our Church, and that she would like us, Missionaries, to come answer any questions she has.

It has been a great week! So many more miracles, but I am running out of times. I love you all! Keep your head up and never forgot who you are! Doctrine and Covenants 11:20-21. But these are the reasons why I am grateful to be on a Mission! Bringing other unto Christ, and seeing those that I, but most importantly, those that the Lord loves grow!

Sister Hatch.

Letter #19- February is here!!!

February 2nd, 2015
Dear Everyone,

This week has been wonderful!

We are still teaching Brother Dannehl! I love him! He hasn't been drinking coffee for three weeks now! Every time we go over to his house, we follow up with him about it. He always laugh, "No, I haven't drove all the way to Idaho Falls just to have a cup of coffee." We clap with joy for him and tears fills my eyes! I am grateful for Brother Dannehl progression! He is like my Best Friend! Sister Richins and I are trying to figure out how we could better help him. BUT he is doing so AMAZING! He came to Church with his wife a little late, the seats were filled. As they were walking past us, Brother Dannehl stopped right next to where we were sitting and he wispered to his wife, "Hun." She looked back and Brother Dannehl pointed at us. We scoot over and made room for them. I just love them so much! When Sister Richins and I were bearing testimony, I looked down at Brother Dannehl, and he was wiping his tears off! Seriously brought tears to my eyes! He has came a long way compare to when I first met him in September! I love him so much!

We're teaching a boy, nineteen years old, named Justin. I believe I mentioned him before. We got a baptismal date for him on February 21st! His Mom is a convert as of last year in June, but she became less active. Justin is doing so great keeping his commitments! But ever since we set the date, it almost seems like his Mom is trying to have him wait a little longer (I think it's partly because it took her seven months to finally accept a Baptism). But we will not give up on Justin! Satan is not going to get in the way! Brother Markham, one of our ward mission leader, has been so great to fellowship with Justin! We know that he will get there, and we can promise him that as he live the Gospel's standards, his life will be full of joy!

Sister Richins and I went to contact one of our referral. When we got there, she yelled through the door, "Who is it!?" I yelled back, "It's the Sister Missionaries!" She opened the door, and before Sister Richins and I could even say anything, she slammed the door! Her whole house shook, and she was yelling unkind things as she walk away from the door! It hurts, because I can't imagine how the Savior was rejected.

We went to mutual, new beginnings, with the Young Women. OH MY! How I miss Young Women! Sister Cather, the Young Woman President, have asked us to bear testimony about the Personal Progress Program. I love standing at the front room looking out at all of the beautiful Young Woman! The Spirit was so strong. I know that Personal Progress has helped me look towards the Temple more, it brings peace to me, reminds me of who I really am, and it prepares me to have the desire to raise my children in the Church, and have a worthy Priesthood holder someday.

I love you all so much! Keep doing some Missionary work! I've been hearing some incredible stories! #IPM

Sister Hatch.
TARANTULA!!!!!!!!!! :)

Winter of Wonderland! The Frostbites were so cool!

Brother Christensen and his wife went into the Temple!!! :')

Only in IDAHO RUSSET would be their Mascot! Shelley, ID

Letter #18- Serving The Lord Brings Blessings

January 26, 2015
Dear Everyone,

This week we have been on fire! We've seen so many miracles this week!

My Companion and I have been struggling in our Area lately. But this week we've seen so many doors been opened unto us! It has been so great and we feel like we are Servants of the Lord!
We felt we needed to stop by Michelle this week. She let us in and we visited with her for a bit. She asked, "Are you guys visiting those who don't go to Church?" Sister Richins and I looked at each other, then we looked at her, "Yes!" Michelle said, "What if it doesn't work?" Sister Richins told her, "We keep trying." Michelle told us she didn't think it was time for her to go back to Church yet. It takes times for some people.

My Companion wrote down the some addresses to families that lives in the Apartment. W wer tracting the Apartments, and this one young woman opened the door. We said, "Hi we're the Sister Missionaries! We're trying to meet people, so what's your name?" Her name is Mariela. She got married a year ago and has a new born baby girl. We asked if she ever met Missionaries before, she said, "No." We asked if she ever seen them, she said, "No." WHAT!? And you live in Idaho!?
It was interesting and way cool that she never even heard of them! We talked about Christ and she agreed for us to come back next week! I feel really good about Mariela!

Later that night, Sister Richins and I went over to a convert (she was baptize last year in June). Kim Crystal and her family. Her non-member son was there that night. He just hung out while we talked with Kim. The next day, we texted Kim, "Is Justin a member?" She replies, "Not sure." We asked if he'd be interested into knowing more about the Gospel. Sister Crystal said, "Yes, he is." We set up an appointment. Then Friday morning Kim texted us, "Come over today and bring a Book of Mormon to Justin." Sister Richins and I literally jumped up and down and went over there! We visited with Kim for a bit, then I turned to Justin and smiled, "So, you want to take lessons?" He blushed, and smield, "Yeah." Sister Richins and I took turn asking inspired questions and did How To Begin Teaching. We read the Introduction of the Book of Mormon with him. Sister Crystal helped in with anything that she felt he needed to hear. It was amazing! Then Kim, or Sister Crystal, secretly body language us that he has a Word of Wisdom problem. We talked about the Word of Wisdom with him. He committed that he will go to Church, read the Book of Mormon, pray, and live the Word of Wisdom. We are so excited to teach Justin! And we feel that this will be good for Sister Crystal too!

Okay, quick funny story. . .
We were walking to one of our Investigator's home. The snow are kind of hard now, but anyway, Sister Richins and I were walking through the snow. When I was about to step off onto the sidewalk, I told myself, "okay, I have to be careful of the ice, I will carefully walk on the sidewalk." I stepepd off, and I guess my boots didn't grip onto the ground really well. As Sister Richins explained, it was like a Cartoon. It took me five minutes to try to catch my balance, as I was slipping on the ice. Then my whole body flew UP, then I fell down and landed right on my butt! This might be too much, but my skirt flew open. . .LUCKILY I had tights on. Sister Richins was laughing so hard, she was just standing by my side laughing her face off! I had to laugh too! It was too funny!

Anyway. . .Eli was just about to have dinner when we came to teach him. He asked us to come back next week. Mele just got her wisdom teeth pulled out, so we had a short lesson with her, and rescheduled for next week.

Saturday! We went to Brother and Sister Christensen sealing! Sister Richins and I were there for the Endowment session too. It was so beautiful! I love going to the Temple! I thought a lot about my Grandpa Hatch. He passed away in November. It was expecting, but it was really hard especially being on a Mission. My last Companion, Sister Warren, told me that she admire the decision I made. I stayed on my Mission after hearing about my Grandpa's passing, because I truly love my Savior so much! Going to the Temple gave me peace and comfort that my Grandpa is in a better place, and I will see him again! I am grateful for the knowledge of the Plan of Salvation! Anyway, the sealing was wonderful. It was a beautiful experience! I am grateful and proud for Brother Christensen and his decision to change and to endure to the end! All of the Sister Missionaries who taught him were all there! Everyone came to tell us "thank you for getting my Grandpa where he is now."

I love being a Missionary! It the best! I love my Savior, my Redeemer, my Brother! I know that He loves me! I am grateful for the Savior's example of Charity, Faith, and that He Atone for all of us! Sister Richins and I spoke in one of our ward. Sister Richins talked about the Atonement and I talked about Charity and Love. This topic makes me want to become better and have more Charity on others! Justin came to Church and so did the rest of the Crystal's family! It really has been a phenomenal week!

Study on a specific topic. For example, I studied "Charity and Love". I invite you all to apply on whatever you study and pray unto the Father for the strength to change! :)

Sister Hatch.

Letter #17- "SHORT"

January 19th, 2015

This is going to be short!

Every night, at our curfew time, Sister Richins and I call Brother Dannehl!
The phone rings, then Brother Dannehl answered, "Hello?"
"HI Brother Dannehl! This is the Sisters! How are you?" We smiled as he respond, "good."
"GOOD! Did you like Church?" We have a conversation for a while, then we say, "Do you know why we're calling Brother Dannehl?" We smile even bigger. There's silent for a little while. Then he start laughing from the other line, "Yeah. I know why. . .AND NO I didn't drink coffee!" Sister Richins and I were excited and we laugh, "Awesome! Are you going to drink coffee tomorrow?" LONG SILENCE ON THE PHONE! "Uh. . .we'll see." He reply. "Brother Dannehl. . ." we speak through the phone. "Okay. I won't." "YEA!" He laughs like a cute old man he is through the phone! "Brother Dannehl, we hope you know that we're doing this because WE LOVE YOU! Not because we are trying to tease you or make you feel guilty." OH MY GOODNESS! And so far he is doing so good! I love Brother Dannehl! He's like my own Grandpa Hatch! :)

On Wednesday, Sister Richins and I were in the large Trailor Court. We were going to meet some people that were in our Area Book. We went to this one Trailor House, a young man in his twenties answered it. His name is Eli. Sister Richins and I got to know him and briefly talked about the Restored Gospel. Eli looks like he has a rough life. We set up an appointment for next week. We were going to contact this Trailor a couple houses down from Eli. As Sister Richins and I looked at the home, we didn't feel good about it. As we got a little closer, we saw "No Trespassing" sign and some graphic images. We immediately turned away from the Trailor and got in our car. I'm so grateful for the prompting of the Holy Ghost. For it's spiritual guidance and how good it feels as we listen carefully.

Mele cancelled this week, because some of her family members were sick with the flu. But she did come to basketball! She was the only one who came, and she had a blast! We set up an appointment with her next week! Also, Wyatt Johnson! We finally were able to get back in contact with Wyatt and his family! When we saw Wyatt, he looked depressed. Before we could even talk to him, his Mom told him to get ready for bed. We visited with the rest of the family. We were able to bring a really good friend of theirs there! They felt comfortable and we were able to get to know them more! Brother Johnson is a less-active, we asked if we could come back next week. Brother Johnson said, "YEAH! Come back next Saturday!"

We're so excited for the marvelous work that is about to come forth! We've been struggling a little bit in our area, but I know that as Sister Richins and I are diligent and strive to do everything we can to meet and get in contact with our Investigators, Less-active, and everyone else! I love being a Missionary! It's one of the best adventure to explore and learn more about yourself!

Hope you are enjoying the Phoenix Temple for those who are near it! The Idaho Falls Temple is going to be close down for  a year and a half starting in March. But isn't the temple wonderful? I invite you all to visit which ever Temple you like, and go do baptism or sessions there! OH! Speaking of Temples! We (even Missionaries in the past) have been teaching Brother Christensen for a long time now. He is finally going to the Temple this Saturday! And we're going to attend! This is my first time going to a sealing! I am excited to experience this Spiritually, uplifting event! Especially, because I am going to miss my brother's wedding! :)

Anyway! I wish you all a wonderful week and hope the kids enjoyed their day off for "MILK" day! ;) Okay, MLK day, my siblings and I call it "MILK" day! Bye-bye!

Sister Hatch
Idaho Pocatello Mission